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Breath Mark x Lisa Hall & Hannah Kemp-Welch
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A site specific, interactive sound work creating moments of connection between strangers of all species. 

Follow this sound work as it leads you across the park to meeting points for animals, plants and strangers. As you listen, consider the needs of all these inhabitants and our symbiotic relationship that is increasingly under threat. Between heartbeats, vibrations and the alignment of crossing paths, this work sounds out a shared existence, putting these moments of connectivity with strangers of all species on the People’s Park’s Plinth. 

The work features interviews with volunteers at Edible Landscapes, a forest gardening group based onsite at Finsbury Park: David Berrie, Imogen Simmonds, Jo Homan, Juiliette Ezavin and Theo Betts. The artists were commissioned by Breath Mark, a curatorial collective formed as a part of the Royal College of Art’s MA Curating Contemporary Art Programme Graduate Projects 2021, in partnership with Furtherfield’s People’s Park Plinth project.


In this first iteration of the artwork one sound pathway ‘Close to the ground’ is presented.

Larger commission:

If this work had been selected in the public vote in August 2021, a further two sound pathways and a trail to find them would have been revealed.